Managing Underperformers in the Workplace
Online Certificate Course
For Individuals and Teams
Mobile Friendly
Course Overview
Managers Underperformers in the Workplace is an online course designed to help managers address and resolve performance issues. The course provides a systematic approach to managing underperformance and equips managers with the communication, problem-solving, and decision-making skills required for successful outcomes. You will learn how to set expectations, give feedback, and take appropriate corrective action. In addition, you will become familiar with communication techniques that can help build a productive relationship with underperforming employees.
If you’ve been avoiding difficult conversations with underperforming employees, this course is the perfect place to start. You will gain a deeper understanding of the issues related to underperformance and learn how to craft an effective approach that meets both parties’ needs.
Course Content
- Before You Begin
- Download: Dealing with Under Performers Cheat Sheet
- Module 1 Introduction FREE PREVIEW
- The Job of a Leader FREE PREVIEW
- The Johari Window FREE PREVIEW
- Blind Spots FREE PREVIEW
- It’s Not Necessarily Their Fault FREE PREVIEW
- Is it Nice to Give Underperformance a Pass? FREE PREVIEW
- Module 1 Quiz
- Module 2 Introduction
- The Star Chart
- Immaturity
- Prepare for the Reality Conversation
- Module 2 Quiz
- Module 3 Introduction
- 2 Approaches to Difficult Conversations
- Reading: Nonverbal Communication
- 5 Steps to a Successful Conversation
- Module 3 Quiz
- Module 4 Introduction
- Cardinal Rules
- How to Handle Emotions
- Reading: A Landscape of Feelings
- Emotional Responses
- 3 Responses to Watch For
- Module 4 Quiz
- Module 5 Introduction
- Avoiding He Said/She Said
- Reading: It’s a Process!
- The ‘Commits’
- Module 5 Quiz
- In Conclusion
- Final Test
- Download: Dealing with Under Performers Cheat Sheet
Earn Your Certificate of Achievement
Frequently Asked Questions
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Skills you'll learn:
- Implement the 4 steps needed to prepare for difficult conversations
- Know the 4 steps needed to conduct difficult conversations
- Understand a variety of possible reactions and know how to respond to each