When I meet with managers in organizations that are searching for a one on one meeting template, one common theme is that they were promoted because they were great with the technical skills, but had no formal training to be in leadership. This soft-skills development is a ‘fake it til’ you make it’ approach and often managers are left to figure out how to grow and develop their teams. We’ve made this DISC Personalities one on one meeting template to support you as you integrate DISC within your organization and spearhead your leadership journey!
What is a One on One Meeting Template?
One on one’s are designed for you to check-in with your employee and support their growth and development. Throughout your day, you should be communicating with your subordinates and ensuring they are receiving feedback right away. However, taking time for one on one’s helps to build trust and communication with the people you are leading.
Many times, it’s easier for someone to express themselves when they are in an intentional one on one meeting, vs. informally throughout the day. This is especially true if you have a supportive DISC style working with you.
When should I Schedule One on One Meetings?
It depends on your industry, however if you are dedicating time to coaching your employee via one on one meetings, you should aim for bi-weekly to monthly meetings using the one on one meeting template.
How long should One on One Meetings be?
Based on experience, no less than 30 minutes and no more than an hour.
Should I Incorporate DISC into my One on Ones?
YES! Incorporate DISC into your one on one meeting template to help your employees increase their self-awareness. In addition, using a common language like DISC helps you to give effective feedback about areas of improvement.
How should I approach the One on One using the One on One Meeting Template?
Approach it as a coach instead of an advisor. Be ready to ask questions, explain DISC and create accountability structure for your employee.
Should I Coach every Employee One on One?
It really depends on how many people you’re overseeing and the KPI’s for your job. Our best suggestion is to ensure you are doing frequent performance reviews with the coach & connect, which you can find here. Once you have decided to move into a coaching via one on one’s on a frequent basis, start with one of your best employees.
Find a person that you want to spend time developing that shows future promise for the organization and your team. Ask them if they’d like to be coached by you and express your desire to ensure they are supported in their role.
Don’t waste time coaching someone who doesn’t want to be coached. Ensure that they are on board and would like to apply DISC personalities to become a better leader that has the possibility to move up in the company!
How do I use the DISC Personalities One on One Template?
Ensure you have the individuals DISC result with you and the template printed. Then, follow the instructions on the template as it will guide you through the steps to doing the one on one with your employee. The aim of the first session using this template is to explain DISC Personalities and explore the results with your employee! Remember, this is a TOOL we use to start the conversation, not a chance to label someone.
What if my Employee doesn’t Agree with the Results?
You can ask them to take it again, or have them underline everything that applies to them on page 8. Then look at the most underlined categories and determine where they fit best. Ask them to confirm or deny whether or not it resonates with them. The assessment is 25 questions long and shows just a glimpse into how someone could behave based on what they ‘tell’ the assessment from their choices. It is not a result that is set in stone and we encourage everyone who takes it to reflect on the results and have the freedom to approve or deny what their results showed. The one on one meeting template is a starting point to begin the conversation.
How do you structure a one on one meeting?
Generally, you will find a time that works best for both parties to meet. You can either use a one on one meeting template like the one we have here, or you can come with your own questions prepared. You can start by asking how they’re doing and exchanging pleasantries. The first question is usually surrounding what they’d like to see as an outcome by the end of the meeting. The middle is exploration. The end is about finding the learning, commits and accountability for the next session.
What’s the best format for a one-on-one meeting?
One on one meetings should be relaxed. Ensure you have the questions prepared beforehand and follow the guidelines. Ensure that the meeting does not run too long and that you are practicing active listening. Use the one on one meeting template like the one we provided to guide you.
How do you document a one on one meeting?
Take notes on the template provided and ensure you file it in the employee’s file to return to for your next session.