Are you miserable today? Try applying one or more of these keys to get happy again.
QUIT comparing yourself to others
Why not ask where you are today compared to where you were last year at this time? Forget others. They have different gifts, different circumstances and different definitions of success. Focus on the progress YOU are making. Focus on being a better YOU.
STOP focusing on problems you can’t fix
You can’t stop the wars in Ukraine or the middle east. You have no influence on the highest levels of government. Nor can you make your grown kids be different than they are. Forget about this stuff and focus on supporting people around you and adding value to people’s lives. Don’t be as happy as the least happy person in your family or workplace.
GIVE UP on trying to please everyone else
The question is, are you doing the right thing? Some people don’t like it. Some people are going to be mad. Some people will kick back. Do the right thing and ignore them.
Focus on positive solutions
Don’t get caught in the doom loop of focusing on problems and negativity. The sooner you can get past the emotion of the problem and get to the “What am I going to do about it” phase, the better. Negativity keeps you miserable. Look forward. Optimism is the only reality for happy people. Whether you believe it can be done, or it can’t be done, you’re right.
As a former boss (often) said to me, “I want to see you TRYING and DOING, not CRYING and STEWING.
Good advice for all of us!
Make decisions to live a happy life. Happiness is in large part, a choice.