2025 is upon us. Make your personal strategic plan by answering these simple questions:
What are all the bright spots from 2024? Make a list.
Now, what didn’t go well that needs fixing? List those things too.
What is overwhelming you right now? Name it:
Anything you should resign from/drop out of?
Which lessons did you learn this past year that you never want to forget?
What’s one habit you want to implement this year?
Which 20% of your activities yield 80% of your results? (Make sure these are the priority)
What 3 things do you want to accomplish in 2025. 3 for personal, 3 for professional.
Now put that list somewhere that you can see it. Places like:
-the lock screen on your phone
-a post it note on your bathroom mirror
-your online calendar
-the headliner of your car
Or anywhere else where your eyes will regularly intersect your goals.
This is so simple that anyone can do it! Give it a try.
Focus on getting just a little bit better. 1% better per week means you’ll be almost twice as good as you are today by the end of 2025.
Make your plan, and have a very happy new year!