So says a longtime client of mine.
If you want something to stick in the culture, you have to repeat it again and again.
Another CEO friend told me that he knows when he’s repeating the core values enough when people start to mock him about it. If they’re not mocking him, he needs to beat the drum louder and longer.
So, here are some practical ways clients of mine are making DISC stick in their culture:
Jenny from VCA Canada has clinic staff color their DISC scores into four paper buckets (D, I, S, and C buckets) and hang them on the wall.
Many clients enlarge the DISC cheat sheet and hang it on the wall in the lunchroom. One enterprising client hung it in strategic places in the bathroom to take advantage of the sightlines of a captive audience. I’ll let you work that one out on your own.
I have clients who play games and use other activities to drive DISC concepts home.
But this week I saw an idea that made me laugh right out loud. This is the drink menu from the Christmas party thrown by the good people at Legacy Windows:
So creative! (I should add that their team of installers are all men)
To really learn something you have to hear it at least three times.
How are you repeating what’s important? Are you making efforts to make the right things stick?