When a company or coach engages with the DISC Personalities model, they often come across the DISC Epic Account ID and wonder what it is.
An EPIC Account is used by Wiley (a DISC provider) to give their users better access and control to administering the DISC Personalities assessment. The EPIC Account is similar to the DISC Administrator Portal access on the Professional Leadership Institute site.
There are various brands that use the DISC model based on the psychologist William Moulton Marston’s research. The different types of DISC models and training companies come down to trademarks and branding and largely teach the same things based on the foundation of the research.
Each company and brand that offers DISC training programs have their own version of implementation. The Epic Account ID is used to login to the brand at discprofile.com and was established by Wiley.
The DISC Epic Account (ID) is similar to the Professional Leadership Institute DISC Administrator Portal, in that it allows you to easily store participants DISC assessment reports in a secure place. As a facilitator, this comes with a lot of benefits.

Benefits of the DISC Epic Account ID
The DISC Epic ID has the following benefits:
- Sending a direct DISC Personality Assessment Link instead of using a code or receiving the free 6 page report
- Finding participants DISC Personality Assessment Results
- Importing previously completed assessments
- Using previously purchased assessments and reports
- Running team reports
What is the Difference Between the DISC Administrator Portal and the DISC Epic Account ID
The DISC Administrator Portal on PLI features the benefits above as well. The fundamental differences between the two options are:
- Price – DISC Epic ID costs $540USD+ PER ADMIN ACCOUNT. Depending on the report you need administrative access to (below). DISC Administrator Portal costs $279USD which is a one time set up fee for all of the reports listed below.
- Reports – DISC Epic ID has various administrator set up options that offer various reports depending on which one you choose. Some reports include: DISC Assessments Reports, Catalyst, Workplace Profiles, Agile EQ, Work of Leaders, Management, Team Development and Personal Development. From the website, each report requires a different administrator account purchase and includes an amount of reports with the set up. In comparison, the PLI DISC Administrator Portal has a ONE TIME administrator set up fee that give you access to the portal. It gives you the option to automatically generate the upgraded DISC Personalities Report, DISC Group Culture Report, Team Snapshot Report and the Individual Result Report.
- Credits vs. On Demand – DISC Epic ID uses a credit system where you can pre-purchase credits and they apply to each report. The PLI DISC Administrator Portal has bundle purchases for the individual assessments and the group reports are billed on a monthly basis as you use them.

Which is Best? DISC EPIC Account ID or the DISC Administrator Portal?
The DISC EPIC Account is geared towards organizations that are looking to utilize individual reports for personal and professional development. Their reporting is fantastic for coaches that are looking to gain insight into their coachee’s DISC personality style and utilizing the insights on a very personal level.
The DISC Administrator Portal is geared towards certified professionals that have taken the DISC Personalities Facilitator Certification and are looking to ingrain DISC within their organization through education in groups. We take a main focus on supporting facilitators in their sessions with a facilitation kit and resources that support team development and engagement. The group culture and team reports we offer are designed to give teams better ways to communicate and understand one another.
The EPIC Account is robust – which can be a great option for people looking for many different reporting options. We keep the DISC Administrator Portal simple to navigate and with focused reporting which keeps our pricing affordable for businesses. We are constantly adding and improving our portal, with future AI capabilities. We believe ours is a fantastic option if you are a certified professional taking DISC to your organization!
FAQ DISC Epic Account ID
How to find Epic ID?
To find the DISC Epic ID, you must first create an administrative account. Same as with the DISC Portal, you will have a unique company login and password.
What does EPIC stand for?
EPIC stands for Electronic Profile Information Center.
Is the DISC Personality Test Accurate
Yes! When the questions are answered honestly, the assessment has an accuracy rating of 90%. However, it is important to note that this is just a glimpse into a person’s behavioral preferences. It doesn’t test morality, work ethic, EQ etc. It is simply a tool to use to understand yourself and others better.