This week I got out of the shower and was getting ready for the day. At the back of my toiletry cupboard I noticed a cologne bottle that had been there a long time. I pulled it out and memories of ’92 flooded back. Obsession! My girlfriend (now wife) loved the smell of Obsession. When I wore Obsession I was the man.
So I gave my neck a couple of shots for old time’s sake.
I walked upstairs, looked at Jenn and her nose wrinkled up slightly. She walked around sniffing the air discreetly and finally approached me and sniffed my shirt.
She then looked up at me in dismay and said, “I’m so sorry to tell you this honey, but I think the cat peed on your shirt last night.”
Somehow I’m not a sexy beast anymore. But I was beautiful once.
Wise people realize that one day they’re going to be older. And the older you is an amalgam of everything you do today. Like I mean this day. This week.
So here are some questions you should ask yourself right now:
What’s one good habit I practice every day?
I mean beyond eating and sleeping. Do you work out, read something important, put away some money, pray, floss, plan out and prioritize your day, do something nice for your spouse? Other?
Those good things you do compound and pay huge dividends over time.
What’s one bad daily habit that needs to go?
These might include using social media, gossiping, eating something terrible, blowing money at Starbucks, treating people badly, sitting too much, or something else. You know what it is.
What do I want people to say at my funeral?
How do you want to be remembered? What will your coworkers, family members, friends, and neighbors say about you? Or not say?
It all starts today.
One day you’re going to be older. Who you’ll be then is simply a result of what you do every day today. So start doing one good thing or drop one bad thing and watch the results compound over time.
Getting ahead is about getting started,