I’m often asked about the distribution of the personality types in the population. Are there more of some than others? There are various stats published on this topic, but here are some rough indicators of how the personality types are distributed:
Dominants: Represent 5-10% of the population.
Inspirings: 10-15%
Conscientious: 15-25%
Before I tell you this number, I want you to take a breath and let it sink in.
Supportives represent something in the range of 60-70% of the population.
Does this ring true to you? Think of the people you interact with. Are the majority:
- not wild about change
- people who want harmony and dislike conflict
- steady, stable, and reliable
- practical in focus, preferring hands-on, practical, jobs
- quieter unless called on. Not stoked about stepping up and issuing orders
- content to work in the background and not be the center of attention
The fact that there are so many of these people out there has huge implications for you and how you communicate. Do you know how to be successful with a Supportive person? If you don’t, you’re going to be ineffective dealing with the majority of people you meet.
Supportives aren’t primarily motivated by money. For them, trust is everything. They love to help and are genuine and sincere.
In March, we are running a training event where you can become certified in DISC Personalities facilitation. If supporting teams in engagement and communication is something you’re passionate about, this could be a great opportunity for you to invest in your professional development and make a huge impact!
Here’s a testimonial from a leader who recently attended our training:
“Going through this certification course helped me really get a deeper understanding of DISC and how to apply it in any situation, whether that be at work or at home – really, any relationship I have! I now feel more confident to present this communication tool to anyone, and help them understand it in a small amount of time. It’s truly the most simple and effective communication tool you can use!”
Learn more HERE.
Communication is always the biggest issue in any organization, and any tool that will help you get better at it is worth your time.
Getting ahead is about getting started,