I’ve found that the most valuable thing you can do with your team is to build trust. One of the best ways to do that is to help them get to know each other on a deeper level. So today I’m sharing a tool that I’ve modified from Patrick Lencioni’s book “The Ideal Team Player.” It’s a simple questionnaire for each team member to fill out and then discuss with the group.
Here’s what you say:
“Today we’re going to work on becoming better workers and better people personally and professionally. The three qualities of “hungry (work ethic), humble, and smart (relational smartness, not IQ)” are key to us being happy together as a team. Fill out the assessment and then share your results with the group. Where did you score highest? What do you need to work on?”
Then pass out the sheet and let them fill it out. When they’re done, ask each person to share strengths and areas for improvement. It makes for a very revealing and useful team building time.
Here’s the tool:
Humble, Hungry, Smart Self Assessment
Grade yourself using the numbers: 3 = Usually 2 = Sometimes 1 = Rarely
My teammates would say…
_____ I compliment or praise them without hesitation
_____ I easily admit my mistakes
_____ I’m willing to take on lower-level work for the sake of the team
_____ I gladly share credit for team wins
_____ I readily acknowledge my weaknesses
_____ I offer and accept apologies gracefully
_____ TOTAL
_____ I do more than what is required in my job
_____ I show passion for the mission of the team
_____ I feel a sense of personal responsibility for the success of the team
_____ I’m willing to think about and contribute to work after work hours
_____ I’m willing to take on challenging tasks whenever necessary
_____ I look for ways to contribute outside of my area of responsibility
_____ TOTAL
_____ I understand what others are feeling during meetings and conversations
_____ I show empathy to others on the team
_____ I demonstrate an interest in the lives of my teammates
_____ I am a good listener
_____ I am aware of how my words and actions impact others on the team
_____ I adjust how I act and speak to fit the situation and the person
_____ TOTAL
How do you score personally? Don’t expect anyone to score higher than you do. People follow the example set by their leaders!
I completed this sheet over dinner along with some of my family members, and when I scored myself high in humility, they all burst out laughing together. Whoops. More self-awareness needed on my part. Maybe that’s true for you too.
Getting ahead is about getting started!