My dad is a super-over achiever and through his life has accomplished many things, including the founding of a top private school in Alberta with nearly 2000 students attending today.
He’s now 83 years old, and I was talking to him about his life and career. At one point I asked him, “When you look back on your work life, what is the most rewarding thing that comes to your mind?” I assumed it would be a ‘what’ accomplishment, but he surprised me with his answer.
He said, “The most rewarding part of my career has been the friendships with wonderful people that I have made throughout my life.”
A successful life is not chiefly about what we accomplish. It’s about the state of our most important relationships. What will your children, spouse, colleagues, friends, suppliers and customers say about you when you’re gone?
Spend time thinking through the ‘who’ questions in your life.
“Change your what questions to who questions” – Jim Collins