We forget that, in addition to getting things done, the purpose of meetings is also to:
Build team and
Get people fired up
Do yours accomplish those things?
You might be surprised how much a quick question posed at the start of a meeting can build team over time.
So, why not try to personalize things a bit by asking a question for everyone to answer? Here are a few that I like and aren’t dumb and are open-ended and that I have actually used in work settings (no “celebrity crush” or “choose what type of bird you’d be” questions)
Pick one and give it a try at your next meeting:
- What’s something you do around here that nobody knows about or notices?
- Which of your tasks drain you?
- Which of your duties energize you?
- If you could choose one rule for everyone in this company to obey, what would it be?
- Did you ever consider a different career path? If so, what was it?
- What’s something you’ve learned about yourself this year? About the company?
- Fill in the blanks: People think I”m ____________ but really I’m ___________.
- Are you an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist?
- What’s a memorable gift you’ve received?
- What’s something you do outside of work, and what interests you about it?
- What is a pet peeve of yours?
- What’s one challenge you faced before you were 20, and how did you deal with it?
- What are 3-5 words that describe you well?
- What’s a goal you have this year, either personally or professionally?
- What’s an important value you learned from your family of origin?
- What does it take to succeed in this company?
- What’s a piece of work advice you’d give to your younger self?
- What piece of work feedback has been hardest for you to hear?
- Who is one of your favorite people to interact with at work, inside or outside the company?
- What’s a great piece of advice you’ve received from a mentor?
- What is one weakness you have that affects the team negatively?
- What are three strengths you have that help our team?
- Which of your DISC dimensions do you find hardest to control? D, I, S, or C? Which aspect of it?
- If your house was on fire, which three objects would you save?
- Who is one of your “influencers?” Online personality, author, or someone you know personally?
- What negative moods do you experience at work, and what triggers them?
- What’s a bright spot at work for you at the moment?
- What are you grateful for? Personally? Professionally?
- What’s something you’ve been good at for as long as you can remember?
- Name a personal or professional highlight from the past 12 months.
Getting ahead is about getting started. Try something new and get a different result!