Jack Welch famously said that the thing that separates A players from B players is passion. He believed that passionate A players produced three times what B players produced, and championed raises two to three times higher for A players because they deserved them.
In Good to Great, Jim Collins says that passion is a core part of all level 5 leaders (his top rating for the best leaders). “You can’t manufacture passion, or ‘motivate’ people to feel passionate. You can only discover what ignites your passion and the passion of those around you.”
Surveys reveal that most people don’t feel passionate about their work. Those that do find deep meaning in their lives, and out-produce their ‘working-for-the weekend’ colleagues.
If you have passion for what you do, and can communicate it to people around you, they will follow you, because passion is contagious.
This week, when you’re talking to a customer or to your team, show your passion for what you’re doing. You will be surprised at the difference it makes.