I personally hate social media, because it brings out the worst of the monkey mind in all of us. Picture the monkey swinging from tree to tree, looking for the next vine to grab on to. Our minds swirl faster and faster, clicking from one crazy cat YouTube video to the next, to the next funny meme on Instagram, to the next touching video depicting the gentle love of a teenage girl and her horse, and suddenly it’s time to go to bed. Or time to pick up a customer call.
YouTube is a giant garbage can as Seinfeld observed.
Take a breath and remember that, whatever business you’re in, you’re actually in the relationship business.
Posting a picture on Instagram is not building a relationship. Neither is sending a Snapchat. Neither is reading on Facebook about how your second cousin just ate a muffin and it was really good. This stuff is stealing your life from you. Shut it off!
Call your mom. Go have lunch with a customer. Pop your head into a colleague’s office. Do something today to build a positive relationship with someone in your life who is important to you.
The Kardashians have all sorts of crazy, mixed up issues, but there’s one they’re mercifully free of. They aren’t wasting their lives reading about YOU.