This is how I would rate my listening skills. I’d much rather talk than listen.
Do you feel the same?
Next time you’re at a party or in a meeting, note how often people ask you something and then listen to your response with close attention and interest. Do they ask clarifying questions? Do they ignore distractions, and resist quickly interjecting their own thoughts?
Listening well is a pretty rare skill.
And yet, listening is:
- The key to retaining a customer
- The ultimate mark of respect
- The only way to find out if your staff member is at flight risk
- The basis for healthy partnership
- The key to making the sale
- The main way to spark innovation
- The heart of thoughtfulness
- Something anyone at any level can do
- A skill that can be developed
- The doorway to personal growth
- The core tool to use to build an engaged team
- The way to get more of a current customer’s business
- The only way to discover your blind spots
- The best way to poach A-players
- How you earn respect from your co-workers and subordinates
- The bedrock of communication
- How you find out what’s wrong with your business or department
- The main skill required in a healthy marriage
- The best/only way to discover where your kids are at
- The best strategy yet invented to get people to be honest with you
- How you communicate that you care
Is there a skill you can develop that provides greater ROI? I can’t think of one offhand.
If you agree, what are you going to do about it:
Getting ahead is about getting started.