My friend and client Justin Mitchell, managing partner of Frontline Real Estate, starts his weekly meeting with a cool twist. He asks each team member to respond to this question:
“Please rate three areas of your life out of 10; personal, health and business. Give a rating for each one and include any play-by-play commentary that seems relevant.”
There are some great benefits to this question, it’s a nice warm way to start your meeting. It gives you a quick snapshot of each person’s life. And most important, it guards everyone against unpleasant surprises.
If someone is giving business a 5, this is good to know, and this person’s situation needs attention. If health is low, it gives everyone subtext to understand how they’re showing up at work. And if a team member rates their personal life a 4, a wise leader’s ears perk up because of course, everyone’s personal and professional life are the same life.