A couple of reflections as we begin a new year:
- Every day most of us take a huge step of optimism – we get in our cars and drive to work. We share the road with drivers from 16 to 90, with road ragers and racers and texters and people without sleep and normal, every-day garden-variety incompetents. And yet we never seriously doubt that we’ll get to work safely.Why should your life this year be any different?The stock market is down, ISIS is on the march, the political landscape is uncertain, blah blah blah. I can say with authority that this is all normal, and that the media doesn’t make a living by reporting good news. None of it need have any effect on you. Worrying is like praying for evil to happen to you.
- You don’t need a new year’s resolution to change things. Whatever it is that you think will make a big difference in your life – and you know what that thing is without having to think too hard – just take a step towards doing it right now. Your life can change as of this minute. Make the call, book the appointment, buy the tools over lunch, go for a run after work. Whatever it is, just do it now.
Your future is bright if you believe that it is. You don’t get motivated by writing lists and waiting to feel motivated, but by taking action and doing something – your feelings follow your actions.