I was reading a story about leadership development within the Indian army. One general said that they looked for ONE main quality when considering who to promote to a higher position.
The one quality they were looking for was simple:
What is this person’s track record in developing people?
So Leader, ask yourself:
In the last year, who are the people you’ve directly helped to grow?
Where were they at the beginning of the year?
What specific interventions did you implement to help them achieve that growth?
What is their career direction? Where do you see them in five years’ time?
What is your development strategy in each case?
What new insights have you learned about developing leaders this year?
Who are you looking to develop in the next 12-24 months? How are you going to do that? Get specific! Put your plan in writing!
True leaders are people developers
Not paper pushers. Not administrators or policy builders. People developers. It’s your most important job and the one that will have the most significant impact on your organization and on your (and their) lives.
Are you happy with your people development track record?
Which three people would say that you have been critical to their personal and professional growth this past year?
If you have three, good for you. If not, fix it. Start as soon as you’ve finished reading this email!
Choose someone and start developing leaders for the future!
If you’d like Trevor to speak at your upcoming event, drop him a note at [email protected] for a no obligation discussion about what you’re looking to accomplish
Trevor Throness is a speaker, consultant, and author of “The Power of People Skills.” He is also co-founder and senior instructor at professionalleadershipinstitute.com https://professionalleadershipinstitute.com/
Find more about “The Power of People Skills” here: https://www.amazon.com/Power-People-Skills-Dramatically-Performance/dp/1632651068