I get a lot of responses to my coaching tips, and I appreciate and reply to each one. Listen to a comment I received this past week (I’m condensing a bit for space): “If I get a thank you, not only will I feel high and give you 200%, but I will make sure you have a hot chocolate on your desk in the morning. One employee told me that she got the nicest email from her manager telling her what a great job she did and how it helped. On her down days, she refers back to that email to give her the energy she needs to do her work. Amazing how one positive email can keep you going for a long time. I would stay for positive words in any company without a raise for years!”
Just saying okay?
I sometimes end executive planning events by having everyone put their name on the top of a piece of paper, and asking each participant to write something they have appreciated about that person over the previous year. Each participant leaves the day with a sheet filled with thanks.
Several times people have approached me telling me they’ve kept those sheets, sometimes for years, and refer back to them often.
We get so few positive, encouraging voices in our lives. We wake up to the news (if it bleeds, it leads), fight traffic, listen to our negative self-talk, and often spend parts of our day in conflict.
In the middle of that noise, encouragement and positive words mean everything. It gives us the strength to carry on. Everyone is fighting a battle somewhere.
So, how many times this week did you say, those two words, THANK YOU?
How many? Zero? Five? Ten?
This week’s challenge is to intentionally thank someone every day. Keep a list. Phone a mentor who contributed to your life. Give your spouse a sincere thank you for all of the junk they put up with from you. Let a client know that their business makes a difference, and you appreciate it. Thank a co-worker for the various ways they contribute to your life. Thank your kids for the work the way they contribute to your home and life.
And remember: