Here’s what coach and author Jim Rohn said back in the day:
“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”
So here’s a super simple way to set some basic goals for 2023 and take control of your life. Get out a sheet of paper and start writing:
What’s working now?
Make a list. What are all the bright spots? What are you happy with? What can you celebrate about how your life is going?
What needs fixing?
Here’s the key question: “What will cause me pain in 20 years if I don’t address it now?” Write it down. Limit the list to no more than five big things. You can’t do it all and too many things will mean you do none of them!
What does success mean to me?
Both personal and professional success.
What does personal success mean to you? It means something different to you than it does to the person sitting beside you. So define it. Maybe it’s just a happy marriage, a decent job, and a holiday once/year. Nothing wrong with that. Or it might mean building a company from scratch and dominating the world. Get clear on what you want, not what everyone else wants for you.
What lessons have I learned this year that I never want to forget?
Make your list. Why reinvent the wheel all over again next year?
Now make a list of goals for the year. Once you have the list, narrow it to 3-5 key things that will make a significant difference in your life.
Post the list on your mirror or your desk and make sure they make it to your actual schedule each week. Because what gets on your calendar gets done. The other stuff is just fantasy and dreams.
If you want to learn to make a more detailed plan and build accountability into it too, check out our course preview on goal setting here:
3% of people write down their goals. Why not be one of them this year?
Getting ahead is about getting started!
Trevor Throness is a speaker, consultant, and author of “The Power of People Skills.” He is also co-founder and senior instructor at
Find more about “The Power of People Skills” here: