DISC Test: What Is the I/S/C disc personality type (Energizer)?

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I/S/C disc personality type

The I/S/C disc personality type is called the energizer for their unique ability to revitalize any project that they work on. If you scored 60% or higher in the inspiring, supportive, and conscientious category then this is you!

What is the DISC test?

The DISC personality test is a self-administered, self-scoring personality assessment of how a person responds in predictable ways to time, tasks, and other situations at home and at work.

Technically, the DISC test it is not a ‘test’ because you won’t pass or fail when writing it.  There are no right or wrong answers, and there is no bad or good score.  Everyone is a mix of all four personality dimensions, and each mix is equally valuable.

While the DISC test provides insight into a person’s interaction with their environment, there are things that it does not measure.  Some of these include a person’s:

  • Intelligence
  • Morality/character
  • Levels of ambition or motivation
  • Self-esteem or lack of it

What are the origins of the DISC test?

Personality testing is not a new concept.  The word ‘personality’ itself comes from the Latin word ‘persona’ which referred to the masks worn by stage actors in Greek theatre.  These masks helped the audience identify which character played the tragic figure, which was the hero (or heroine), which was there for comic effect, and which was the antagonist.

The first recorded use of four quadrants of personality comes from Empedocles in the 5th century BC.  Hippocrates in the 4th century BC believed that the four personality characteristics came from four fluids within our bodies.  Galen (2nd century AD) first came up with the terms choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic and sanguine to describe the four dimensions of human personality.

1928 was the year when William Marston published his landmark book “Emotions of Normal People.”  Marston was a lawyer and a psychologist; he also contributed to the first polygraph test, authored self-help books, and even created the character “Wonder Woman!”

Industrial psychologist Walter Clark developed these ideas into the first DISC profile in 1956. Clark created the ‘Activity Vector Analysis,’ a checklist of adjectives on which he asked people to indicate descriptions that were accurate about themselves.  The assessment was intended to be used by employers trying to find qualified employees.

What does DISC stand for?

In 1928, William Marston would label the four personality types:

  • D: Dominant
  • I: Influential
  • S: Steady
  • C: Compliant

Based on administering personality assessments to approximately 10,000 people over a 25-year span, www.professionalleadershipinstitute.com updated these four categories to:

  • D: Dominant
  • I: Inspiring
  • S: Supportive
  • C: Conscientious

These categories have been updated to better reflect Marston’s original theory and are also more in step with modern culture.  Few people today wish to self-identify as ‘compliant’ for instance.  Nor is the ‘S’ personality type necessarily steady in all circumstances.

An overview of the I/S/C disc personality type

Your unique genius:  You’ve got a great mind and get lots done!

Brief description:

Energizers are creative, rational, mentally agile, well-spoken, and diplomatic.  They are rational in their approach to problem-solving and are good at marshalling arguments and presenting them in a credible manner.  They are friendly and have strong social skills, they work well in collaboration with others and make excellent team members.  They are highly productive and enjoy working on exciting new ideas.  They are strong in every personality type except dominance, so they rarely display the ambitious, decisive qualities shown by the D.

Strengths of the I/S/C disc personality type:

  • Creative
  • Productive
  • Well-spoken
  • Researching
  • Harmonious
  • Detail-oriented
  • Patient

Challenges of the I/S/C disc personality type:

Judges others by: How efficient, kind, competent, and low maintenance they are

Motivated by: Learning and teaching, being secure in their position, building warm relationships

Under pressure: Overanalyze, feel stressed, hold themselves to unreasonable standards

Fears of the I/S/C disc personality type: Being wrong, being dragged into the conflict, being viewed as incompetent

Possible work fits: Executive, marketing, department head, sales, researcher, scientist

To increase effectiveness:

  • Process conflict and criticism with a close friend or counsellor
  • Become even stronger by focusing and developing natural areas of expertise
  • Develop personal boundaries to avoid feeling hurt and disillusioned
  • Be more assertive and directive when in a leadership position
  • Relieve stress through exercise and other recharge activities

How is the DISC personality test used?

The DISC personality test is used for a variety of purposes including:

  • Learning how to communicate better with others
  • Understanding the motivations of others
  • Hiring the right person for the right job
  • Coaching people to recognize their natural areas of strength and weakness
  • Self-reflection and personal growth

Summary of the DISC Test

In summary, the DISC tool is a reliable, simple way to:

  • enhance communication on your team
  • increase your knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses
  • learn the strengths and weaknesses of those around you
  • understand the motivations of yourself and others
  • improve success in hiring and promotion
  • dramatically increase your effectiveness working with people

The DISC assessment is simple, easy to use, and highly effective.  Complete it for free today!

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